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Skiiers on the Svalbard tundra


After completing my arctic survival training in Norway in 2022, I signed up for my first winter expedition - Svalbard, 2023.

Sitting at 78 degrees north, just below the North Pole, Svalbard is the northernmost settlement in the world and home to around 2000 humans, 3000 polar bears and many other stunning and rare species. 

A quote from my journal after our first day on the ice reads:

"Svalbard is truly epic, the most tranquil, still place I've ever been. Cold though, I feel it like no other cold I've experienced..."

From the main settlement at Longyearbyen, our team of six set out on the 29th of April skiing predominantly East with the aim of reaching the coast after around 14 days on the ice. We experienced 24-hour daylight and temperatures between -2 and -35 degrees c with the weather switching from brilliant blue sky to thunderous snowstorm. It was intense. I've never witnessed such ferocious weather or the bluest of blue skies as I saw in Svalbard. A quote from my journal while trapped in violent snowstorms for three days reads:

"I write this sitting in a shuddering tent while a storm howls and snarls around us. I've never been so far north or camped on top of an ancient glacier and it's pretty mind blowing. What a place Svalbard is!"

Rebuilding our snow wall which somewhat protected our tent during the three-day snowstorm

After 14 days of each man pulling 50kg worth of food and equipment over glaciers, mountains and valleys, we had to turn back from the coast to our rendevous point with our snowmobile team who would then take us home to Longyearbyen. After Svalbard threw everything at us including heavy snowfall (very rare in Svalbard) we were in high spirits despite four cases of frostbite and one burnt leg in the team. Thankfully, our guide (my tent mate) and I were left unscathed and witnessing him atop a mountain firing a flare into the tumultuous sky to alert our snowmobile team of our position will live with me forever. We had made it.

"Our last meal outside together tonight...warm Svalbard Conyac to celebrate! Soaking up the last of the wilderness that I've grown to love and respect during these 14 days. Time to go home."

Filming the team during lunch in -33 degrees c


If you are interested in my future expeditions, please contact me at 

to become part of the adventure, sponsor or support my upcoming charity-driven adventures!

James skiing across Svalbard
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